Is the CAQ the Coalition Télé Québec?

Caroline Proulx, Nathalie Roy, François Paradis, Kariane Bourassa, Caroline St-Hilaire, Mathieu Lacombe, Pascale Déry, Bernard Drainville and Martine Biron.

There is no precedent for a political formation having attracted so many media personalities. And there is no other than the CAQ that has made image and communication their trademark.

Faced with this observation, politicians and journalists alternately underline their uneasiness. But that seems like a bad trial to me.

I have no doubt that the unease of these politicians would quickly dissipate if these media personalities instead wanted to throw themselves into their political formation. They would be very proud of it and would display these candidacies everywhere: “Look, we attract big names! »…

Party of the media?

The question that everyone is asking now: is there really media benevolence towards the CAQ? Would there be a “media party” in Quebec, whose representative would be the CAQ?

The answer is no.

It is rather the opposite: the opposition to the CAQ for 4 years, it is mainly media, which is not calamitous. It is the sign of a healthy democracy. Numerous journalistic investigations and chronicles harsh on the government — the CAQ too nationalist, the CAQ not nationalist enough, etc. — have been published since 2018.

In short, this political formation has never benefited from any particular favorable treatment. And if we come back to Martine Biron, now: was she the media apologist for the CAQ? No one has ever suspected her of a camouflaged “caquisme”. Rather, they praised his rigor and honesty.

His latest analysis also denounced the arrogance, the big heads and the “goofballs” of the government. Not exactly a gateway to the CAQ.

This is why his candidacy is not outrageous. She will have to defend her new pro-third link convictions, a retrograde and electoralist project in her own words, rather than her legitimacy to serve.

Speaking of electoralism, it is absurd to read Éric Duhaime worrying about the media mistrust that this candidacy can generate, he who built his political career by feeding it.

And which benefits, more than any other party, from the passionate love of a specific medium, Radio X, to break through in Quebec.

A chance that irony does not kill political careers.

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