When the question of anti-Semitism inflames the National Assembly

This had to happen eventually, in this electrified Assembly, at the end of its tether, at the end of intense debates around purchasing power. But it is on a completely different subject that the deputies of the left-wing coalition, the New Popular and Social Union (Nupes), left the hemicycle indignant at the words of Éric Dupond-Moretti.

The Keeper of the Seals reacted to the intervention of Meyer Habib. The related deputy Les Républicains raged against the resolution recently launched by the communist Jean-Paul Lecoq, signed by around forty left-wing elected officials, comparing the State of Israel to an “apartheid” regime. . Éric Dupond-Moretti attacked the far left for his recent invitation to Labor Jeremy Corbyn, a time accused of anti-Semitism across the Channel, but also for his words against the head of state. Those of Mathilde Panot who had accused him of having honored Pétain.

Behind these controversies, there is nothing less than a deep fault line within the political class and part of French society. The majority, the right accuse the far left of “Islamo-leftism” and a refusal to clearly condemn radical Islam, against a backdrop of electoral ulterior motives. Anti-Zionism, hostility to the existence or extension of the State of Israel to the detriment of Palestine, would have become a sort of legal showcase for a profound anti-Semitism, liable to the courts. Left-wing elected officials, stung, denounced political manipulation of the fight against anti-Semitism.

Éric Dupond-Moretti also attacked the far right on Tuesday, recalling the words of founding father Jean-Marie Le Pen on the details of History. But the deputies of the National Rally did not leave the hemicycle and it was even one of them, Sébastien Chenu, who arrested Gérald Darmanin to demand the expulsion to Morocco of the imam of the North Hassan Iquioussen, a preacher close to the Muslim Brotherhood for his notoriously anti-Semitic statements.

An expulsion contested by the rebellious David Guiraud, who accuses the Minister of the Interior of not respecting the rule of law and of playing politics. The press release from the LFI deputy only fueled the suspicion machine of rampant Islamo-leftism on social networks. These endless controversies, sources of extreme tension and slippage, now deserve, without further delay, clarification in the public debate. The cohesion of the Republic is at this price.

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