Gérard Prêcheur new coach of the women’s PSG to replace Didier Ollé-Nicole

Former OL coach, he becomes the women’s PSG coach in place of Didier Ollé-Nicole, suspended since the end of May, the Parisian club announced on Monday.

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Mission of appeasement. The 62-year-old French technician Gerard Precheur was appointed coach of Paris Women’s Saint-Germain for the 2022-2023 season, Monday August 1. TheFormer OL coach from 2014 to 2017 (with whom he won the Champions League twice) has signed up until next June, “with an optional additional season”according to the club.

“Being able to join a club as prestigious as Paris Saint-Germain is an exceptional opportunity.. I am very honored to have been chosen to start this new cycle”, the new coach said in the statement. He replaces Didier Olle-Nicolein office for less than a year until he was sidelined at the end of May to investigate charges of behavior “inappropriate” towards a player, which he disputed before the investigators. He is suspected of having insulted players as well as having sexually harassed one of them, a minor in addition. Ollé-Nicole’s assistant, Bernard Mendy took over the reins of the team at the end of the season. He is replaced in the organization chart by Jocelyn Prêcheur, the son of the new coach.

Prêcheur’s mission will be to preach a little serenity to a women’s section tossed about in recent months by events extra-sports. Besides the case Ollé-Nicole, the aggression in November of midfielder Kheira Hamraoui had caused excitement and tension in the locker room.

PSG lost their title of champion of France in favor of Lyon, who also felled the Parisian club in the Champions League last season. Paris nevertheless won the Coupe de France.


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