Pope Francis begins his last day of pilgrimage to Canada

Pope Francis will end his pastoral visit to Canada this Friday.

The head of the Catholic Church will have a private meeting at 9:00 a.m. with members of the Society of Jesus at the Archdiocese of Quebec. Around 10:45 a.m., he will have talks with a delegation of natives from Eastern Canada, which will be his last activity in Quebec.

On Thursday, Quebec Premier François Legault said he would have a private meeting with the Pope on Friday and would take the opportunity to ask him to hand over to Indigenous communities any materials or documents related to residential schools for Indigenous people. Early Friday morning, the time of this meeting had not yet been communicated.

The plane that will transport the sovereign pontiff will leave Jean-Lesage International Airport at 12:45 p.m. and will land at 3:50 p.m. at Iqaluit International Airport, in Nunavut.

At 4:15 p.m., the Pope will speak with former students of residential schools in Iqaluit and just under an hour later, he will participate in a public event presented by Inuit.

A departure ceremony for the Pope will take place at 6:15 p.m. at the Iqaluit Airport, which will end his stay in Canada. He will then board the plane that will take him back to the Vatican.

Thursday morning, the sovereign pontiff presided over a mass at the Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré basilica. In the afternoon, he went to the Notre-Dame de Québec Cathedral-Basilica to attend vespers and to meet the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians and pastoral workers.

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