Mohammed ben Salmane in Paris, tax on superprofits, “loyalty and trust” … Aurore Bergé’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Aurore Bergé, president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Thursday July 28.

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The president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Thursday July 28. She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Mohammed ben Salmane in Paris: “Discussing with all the Gulf countries seems to me an absolute necessity”

While Emmanuel Macron receives the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed ben Salmane, on Thursday July 28, Aurore Bergé, president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, assures him: “Discussing with all the Gulf countries seems to me an absolute necessity“. In the context of energy issues and the Ukrainian crisis, “there is a need to maintain an in-depth dialogue with the Gulf countries“. For the deputy of Yvelines, “this does not mean forgetting the essential subjects in terms of values ​​and human rights“Mohammed bin Salman had been ostracized by Western countries, following the 2018 killing of critical Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at his country’s consulate in Istanbul.

Rising profits for TotalEnergies and LVMH: Aurore Bergé does not want an exceptional tax

There is already a tax that exists on profits, the companies you cite [TotalEnergies et LVMH] pay tax in France“said the president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, Aurore Bergé, when she was asked about the possibility of introducing a tax on superprofits. TotalEnergies and LVMH”pay [des impôts] quite considerably“.”I choose stability“, she asserted.

National Assembly: call for “total loyalty and trust”

While the Horizons group approved, on Saturday July 23, against the advice of the government, an amendment providing for aid of 120 million euros to the departments to compensate for the revaluation of the RSA (Revenu de solidarité active), Aurore Bergé ensures that it’s necessary “total loyalty and trust“between the three formations of the National Assembly.”This is how we will get results“, assures the deputy.

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