LR senators set their conditions to validate the project

After its adoption in the early morning on Wednesday in the Assembly during tough discussions, the government bill on purchasing power will now be examined this Thursday morning by senators. A project which should in particular help consumers cope with inflation and rising energy prices.

>> Purchasing power: royalty, nationalization of EDF, fuels… What is contained in the amending finance bill adopted at first reading in the Assembly

The upper house, with a majority Les Républicains, wants to mark this text with its mark with amendments and a red thread: Lliberate the work, as their leader, Bruno Retailleau, puts it. The senator from Vendée also sets a condition for voting on this text: “The end of whatever it takes“.

Valérie Boyer, LR senator from Bouches du Rhône, continues: “We don’t want blank checks anymore, work must pay more than assistantship“Several amendments will therefore be proposed in this direction.”We do not understand why we increase the RSA by 4% when the index point for civil servants is increased by 3.5%“, explains Senator Laurence Garnier. The senatorial majority asks that these increases be at least equivalent.

The LR group will also propose to reduce taxation and social charges on overtime as much as possible. “We are proposing a tax exemption issue on the increase in overtime, that is to say on the 25% which corresponds to what we pay more to fellow citizens when, in fact, workers work overtime”said Thursday on franceinfo Frédérique Puissat, senator LR. “The value of work must be rehabilitated in our country”says the senator.

Another point that is likely to be talked about, the fight against fraud card vital. “We are talking about 15 million euros”, comments Valérie Boyer. The Republicans propose a biometric vital card and make it a condition of their vote in the final text.

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