EU member states agree to reduce their gas consumption

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12:51 p.m. : This agreement aims above all to help Germany, very dependent on Russian gas, which would be the first to bear the brunt of a halt in Russian deliveries. “If chemicals cough in Germany, the whole European industry can stop”recalled France this morning, providing its support for the European plan.

12:42 p.m. : “Saving gas now will help us cope. This winter will be cheaper and easier for EU citizens and industry.”

The agreement concluded by the EU countries first provides for application on the basis of the “volunteering”before a possible triggering of an alert that would make a 15% drop in gas demand in each state mandatory.


12:34 p.m. : “It was not an impossible mission”, rejoices the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, after the agreement reached on a plan for the coordinated reduction of gas consumption in Europe. She sees it as a firm response to “a Russian attempt to divide the EU by using energy resources as a weapon”.

12:42 p.m. : The version approved by the Twenty-Seven contains a series of exemptions linked to the particular situation of each country in relation to gas. Still, each state must do “everything possible” to reduce its consumption by at least 15% compared to the average of the last five years, in particular by lowering the heating of buildings.

12:23 p.m. : The European Commission had proposed, last week, to reduce by 15% the European demand for gas from each Member State from August, in order to be able to get through the winter despite the drop in Russian deliveries. Faced with the opposition of several countries, this text has been revised.

12:15 p.m. : EU member states agree on a plan to reduce their gas consumption.

12:29 : At noon, here is a new point on the news:

Elisabeth Borne asks “exemplary” to ministers and administrations in terms of energy sobriety. The Prime Minister wishes to put in place a series of measures aimed at “reducing energy consumption and accelerating the exit from fossil fuels”.

The debates are still skating in the Assembly. After an epic first week, discussions again got bogged down on the second part of purchasing power measures. MEPs failed to examine key provisions such as the nationalization of EDF.

The Russian gas giant Gazprom has announced that it will drastically reduce deliveries of Russian gas to Europe via the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The group invokes a technical reason, Berlin does not believe in this explanation. Follow our live.

“There will be no OJ tax”promises Emmanuel Macron in an interview with The Team. Two years before the opening of the Paris Olympics, on July 26, 2024, the slogan was also unveiled yesterday by the organizers: “Let’s open the Games wide.”

Day after day, the long list of water use restrictions grows longer: almost all of metropolitan France, 90 out of 96 departments, is now on drought alert, to varying degrees.

12:28 : Ukraine signed an agreement Friday with Russia to revive grain exports, which did not prevent Moscow from hitting the major southern city. In the port, employees go to work with apprehension. “We are not expecting anything good. We have two ships hostage to Russian aggression, we are wondering how to get them out of port. No one guarantees their safety”confides to franceinfo a loading manager at the port of Odessa.


11:58 : European gas prices continue to soar. They reached their highest level since the historic record in March, after the announcement of new cuts in deliveries via the Nord Stream gas pipeline by the Russian gas giant Gazprom. Around 11 a.m., the Dutch TTF, the benchmark for natural gas in Europe, was changing to 189.75 euros per megawatt hour (MWh), shortly after exceeding 190 euros per MWh.

10:21 a.m. : Putin’s gas war against Europe is a direct continuation of his war on Ukraine. Wherever he can bring harm, he will. He will use every dependence Europe has on Russia to ruin the normal life of every European family. The only way is to hit back hard and get rid of any dependence.

10:24 a.m. : “Putin’s gas war against Europe is a direct continuation of his war against Ukraine. Wherever he can hurt, he will.

As Gazprom announces further reduction in gas supplies, Ukrainian foreign minister warns on Twitter that Vladimir Putin is likely to use every dependence of Europe on Russia to ruin the normal life of every European family”. He calls on the EU to respond.

09:44 : (3/3) Russia will continue to prioritize efforts to degrade and destroy Ukraine’s anti-ship capability. However, Russia’s targeting processes are highly likely routinely undermined by dated intelligence, poor planning, and a top-down approach to operations.

09:44 : (2/3) Russia almost certainly perceives anti-ship missiles as a key threat which is limiting the effectiveness of their Black Sea Fleet. This has significantly undermined the overall invasion plan, as Russia cannot realistically attempt an amphibious assault to sixteen Odesa.

09:43 : (1/3)On 24 July 2022, Russian cruise missiles hit the dock-side in Ukraine’s Odesa Port. The Russian MoD claimed to have hit a Ukrainian warship and a stockpile of anti-ship missiles. There is no indication that such targets were at the location the missiles hit.

09:47 : On Twitterthe British Ministry of Defense disputes Russia’s version of the missile attack on Odessa. “The Russian Defense Ministry claimed to have hit a Ukrainian warship and a stockpile of anti-ship missiles. There is no indication that such targets were where the missiles hit.

09:57 : At 9 a.m., here are the news headlines:

Elisabeth Borne asks “exemplary” to ministers and administrations in terms of energy sobriety. The Prime Minister wishes to put in place a series of measures aimed at “reducing energy consumption and accelerating the exit from fossil fuels”.

The debates are still skating in the Assembly. After an epic first week, discussions again got bogged down on the second part of purchasing power measures. MEPs failed to examine key provisions such as the nationalization of EDF.

“There will be no OJ tax”promises Emmanuel Macron in an interview with The Team. Two years before the opening of the Paris Olympics, on July 26, 2024, the slogan was also unveiled yesterday by the organizers: “Let’s open the Games wide.”

The Russian gas giant Gazprom has announced that it will drastically reduce Russian gas deliveries to Europe via the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The group invokes a technical reason, Berlin does not believe in this explanation.

Day after day, the long list of restrictions is growing: almost all of metropolitan France, 90 out of 96 departments, is now placed on drought alert, to varying degrees.

09:29 : “Unity and solidarity are the best weapons we have against Putin.”

The new drastic cut in gas supplies announced by Gazprom is “additional proof” that Europe must “reduce its dependence as soon as possible on Russian supplies”estimates the Czech Minister of Energy, before a meeting in Brussels with his counterparts of the Twenty-Seven.

07:32 : First stone of this live, I offer you an update on the news:

The debates are still skating in the Assembly. After an epic first week, discussions again got bogged down on the second part of purchasing power measures. MPs failed to consider key provisions such as the nationalization of EDF.

“There will be no OJ tax”promises Emmanuel Macron in an interview with The Team. Two years before the opening of the Paris Olympics, on July 26, 2024, the slogan was also unveiled yesterday by the organizers: “Let’s open the Games wide.”

The government has announced that it is mobilizing “extra arms” to vaccinate against monkeypox, at a time when elected officials and associations denounce the lack of means. A vaccinodrome is to open in Paris.

The Russian gas giant Gazprom has announced that it will drastically reduce Russian gas deliveries to Europe via the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The group invokes a technical reason, Berlin does not believe in this explanation.

Day after day, the long list of restrictions is growing: almost all of metropolitan France, 90 out of 96 departments, is now placed on drought alert, to varying degrees.

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