his new blunder on Twitter which is making environmentalists mad with rage!

Finally “fixed” the fires that wreaked havoc in Gironde did not fail to react in the media and especially on the Web. Some even took the opportunity to criticize certain organizations, or political sides, responsible for the disaster according to them. Proof of this is with Mac Lesggy who pointed the finger at “ecologists” a few days ago on Twitter. However, the host allegedly used arguments taken out of context.

This is not the first time that the man with the glasses has been caught on the Web. On June 22, he attacked Sandrine Rousseau. As a reminder, the member of EELV tweeted: “Reminder. The extreme right in France was founded by admirers of German, Italian fascism, French Algeria, etc. The #nupes (on the left therefore) comes from the resistance, the independence of Algeria, anti-nuke struggles, environmental struggles, regionalism… Have a nice day”. A tweet that did not seem to the taste of the host. This one, seized his account to answer him: “In history, there are good guys who are nice, and bad guys who are bad. Thank you for this subtle reminder, Ms. @sandrousseau. And congratulations to the History teachers who accompanied you to the Baccalaureate… “. Following this response, many twittos accused Mac Lesggy of defending the extreme right and did not hesitate to tackle him violently.

Arguments not used in the right way

But on July 15, he committed a new blunder which aroused many reactions. “‘Ecologists’ congratulated themselves a year ago for having prevented the developments desired by the firefighters to protect the Teste de Buch forest from fire. Today there are no more trees…”accused Mac Lesggy, taking up the tweet of Vital Baude, member of the environmental group and regional councilor for New Aquitaine who wrote on July 13, 2021: “Victory! Thanks to the intervention of @moniquedemarcoin the senate, the government suspends the simple management plan for the user forest of the Teste de Buch #addufu! It also undertakes to carry out an inspection mission to protect the forest and cultural heritage..

However, according to a survey by our colleagues from 20 minutesthese remarks would have been taken out of context. “These accusations are absolutely unfounded”, regrets Monique de Marco, senator EELV. In 2021, Patrick Davet, the LR mayor of Teste-de-Buch and the LREM deputy Sophie Panonacle also opposed, at the time, the simple management plan (PSG) submitted by the company Athanor, owner of a plot of 43 ha, remind our colleagues. 20 Minutes explains that the plan in question allows “a forest owner to plan felling and work and, if approved by the State, to benefit from tax exemptions and aid”. In June 2021, following the adoption of a motion of opposition by the municipal council, Patrick Davet considered that he was running a “risk”, with “cuts of whole hectares in this forest which would endanger the balance, the biodiversity and even the security”.

See also: “We talk to him about famine, he replies that he doesn’t give a damn.” : Mac Lesggy, this interview that does not pass!


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