Gérald Darmanin wants to fight against organized crime



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On the move in Corsica Friday July 22, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has says he wants to fight organized crime to avoid “that Corsica becomes the hub of drugs in the Mediterranean“.

To fight against organized crime, Gérald Darmanin, traveling to Corsica on Friday July 22, announced reinforcement of police and judicial resources. “For the start of the school year in September […]these reinforcement plans will be there and we will put many more investigators, judicial police officers, to serve the magistrates in the investigations on the island of Beauty but especially in Marseille“, he declared. The stated objective is to prevent the island from becomes a drug hub in Mediterranean.

Nice port controls (Alpes-Maritimes) and Marseilles (Bouches-du-Rhone) will also be strengthened. But for observers, crime is all the more worrying as the institutions tend towards more autonomy. “The characteristic of a mafia is precisely to no longer have classic criminal activities – drug trafficking, arms trafficking, extortion, etc. – but to exercise a hold on local political life, but also to put pressure on the economic life of the island“, specifies Jacques Follorou, author of “Corsican mafia“.

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