Death of Dani: his passionate and eventful love story with Benjamin Auger, the father of his sons

Dani’s production has the infinite sadness to announce his death. She had just finished touring her album Horizons Dorés and she was already finishing the mixes for a new album, which she had mischievously chosen to call Attention Depart. We were warned, she had just forgotten to tell us that it would be imminent“: these words are those used by Lambert Boudier, producer and manager of Dani, to announce the death of the artist this Tuesday, July 19.

At 77, Dani died overnight at the hospital in Tours, her city of residence, after being unwell. She leaves behind an artistic family and bereaved fans, but above all two sons, Julien and Emmanuel, whom she raised with her former companion, photographer Benjamin Auger.

Between them, the story begins with an immediate thunderbolt: “I was struck down by love” revealed Dani to Gala in 2016. So much so that the singer passes “eight days in bed” with him. Out of love, Benjamin Auger leaves his wife and lands in Dani’s life, his son Emmanuel under his arm: “He arrived with his child in his arms. I fell in love with him immediately. This is my eldest son, EmmanuelThe passion lasts 5 years, until Dani finds herself trapped in the game of love.

In 1969, two weeks after the birth of Julien, the fruit of love between Dani and Benjamin Auger, the latter left the singer after falling in love with another. The artist has the heart in crumbs but stands up for the children. Despite the deceptions and betrayals, Dani marries Benjamin, “in case something happened to me” she specified at the time. A formal union, far from being carnal: “Since he cheated on me, I couldn’t make love to him anymore..”

For the sake of the children, Dani and Benjamin Auger remain on good terms until that sad day in 2007 and the disappearance of the photographer. However, the singer of like a boomerang will keep only the good memories of this love affair: “Benjamin was not the only man in my life, but certainly the man of a lifetime! We lived a passionate story that we knew how to evolve without cheating, without lying. Beyond physical love, we were friends, admiring each other. Benjamin was my lover, my husband, but above all, my friend. (…) When he left, I held his hand.” The hour of reunion has finally come.

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