[Critique] “The Ravishing Ones”, by Romain Puértolas

Three children disappear in an Arizona town where there is a “commune” led by the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Until then, he specialized in impossible titles (the extraordinary journey of the fakir stuck in a IKEA cabinet, The font of flowers, trees and forests, etc.), but the strangeness here carried over into the very subject of the book. Three children disappear one after the other in a small town in Arizona where there is a “commune” led by the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Add to that strange colored lights moving across the sky at night and, of course, tearful mothers accusing the cops of incompetence and carrying the torch (hence the title) on the cult’s assault. . But everything is false in this story, even the title. Only the cops remain, who find nothing while everything goes to hell. A plot as we do few and characters that we can not believe. Amazing.

The lovely


Romain Puertolas

To see in video

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