Kad Merad: “Everything serves me”, his sister Yasmina without filter on their relationship

He is the undisputed star of the family since the time that Kad Merad has been on the front of the stage. The comedian, brother of heart of Olivier Baroux with whom he formed the shock duo Kad and Olivier, has greatly evolved. If the scene and the sketches were for a long time his main residence, it is now on the film sets that the companion of Julia Vignali spends most of his time. It was in comedies that he started before embarking on a more dramatic turn with The chorists. Over the years, Kad Merad has become one of the greatest actors of his generation thanks in particular to the role he landed in the global success Welcome to the Ch’tis and in the series Black Baron. No doubt, Kad has become one of the pride of the family, but he is far from the only one.

In the Merad clan, there are two other brothers, Karim and Reda and a sister, Yasmine, nicknamed Mina. It is at least this diminutive that she chose as her stage name because if Kad Merad evolves in the light, her sister has the objective of doing the same with her first show, “sister of“, in which she finally dares to laugh at her parentage, both positive and complicated: “On the one hand I’m super proud, on the other it’s not easy, that’s why I make a show of itshe tells the Parisian. It’s not psychotherapy, because I’m very proud to be his sister..”

Among the difficulties of this filiation, the conclusions that everyone draws from it: “I was told one day: ‘I don’t call you, you are helped with your brother’. But no ! Everyone has their own life… In fact, everything serves me well.“Despite the facilities she could have had, Mina built herself on her own, obtaining the green light from her big brother to create her show, of which he is one of the main characters despite his absence on stage.

Despite the competition of the profession, no animosity. Kad Merad and Mina get along wonderfully. The little sister also has an unfailing admiration for her eldest: “For me, he is the good one. He had so many qualities… I made people laugh, of course, but it’s not innate. […] He always told me: ‘you have all the disadvantages and I have the advantages’, and that’s exactly itshe continues. I don’t want to become a star, that’s not the goal. I just want to have fun and do what I love. But if I could make a living from it, that would be great.“And that’s all the harm we wish him.

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