at least 23 dead in new Russian strikes on the city of Vinnytsia, the UN chief says he is “appalled”

Three missiles hit a commercial building in the center of this city far from the front lines, says the Ukrainian army.

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The UN Secretary General said “landed”. The EU has denounced new “atrocities”. Russian strikes on the city of Vinnytsia in central Ukraine on Thursday July 14 left at least 23 dead. This is a “openly terrorist act”said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In Vinnytsia, a city far from the front lines, well west of the capital kyiv, the images published by the Ukrainian Emergency Situations Service showed dozens of charred carcasses and a building of about ten floors devastated by the explosion and the fire that followed. The Russian Defense Ministry, quoted on Telegram by the editor-in-chief of the state media group Rossia Segodnya, claimed to have targeted Vinnytsia “the Officers’ House, where Nationalists had been deployed”.

According to the Ukrainian army, “three missiles” affected this commercial building in the center of the city, housing offices and small shops. They were fired from submarines in the Black Sea, said the spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force. “Every day Russia kills civilians, kills Ukrainian children, fires missiles at civilian targets where there is nothing military. What is this, if not an open act terrorist?”said Volodymyr Zelensky immediately after the strike.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said “landed”recalling that the organization condemned “any attack against civilians or civilian infrastructure”, according to his spokesperson. The EU also castigated the “barbaric behavior” of Russia. “These atrocities in Vinnytsia are the latest in a long series of brutal attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure”said in a press release the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell and the European commissioner for crisis management Janez Lenarcic.

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