franceinfo conso. Wanting to protect biodiversity by gardening means respecting a few rules

Example: the less the lawn is cut, the better. Tall grass provides food for passerines. Here are a few tips.

Article written by

Laura Hendrikx (60 million consumers) – franceinfo

French Radio



Reading time : 1 min.

Gardening well cannot be improvised, and if you want to respect biodiversity, you have to know some recommendations and apply them. The French Office for Biodiversity advises against trimming hedges between March 15 and July 31. This is not to spare the ears of your neighbours, but to protect the chicks that shelter there, in the company of pollinating insects and small mammals.

To let all this fauna live in peace, the best thing is still to prune as little as possible. (and especially with an electric hedge trimmer!), whatever the time of year. If you have a small garden, it is better to avoid the bulkier species. You can also remove exotic and ornamental shrubs from the list. (such as cedars), to give preference to those which produce nourishing berries for birds (European spindle or blackthorn, for example). And since birds also nest in trees, you should avoid pruning or cutting them down between mid-March and mid-July.

Do not take advantage of the holidays either to pull out the ivy that grows on the trunks: it protects the trees from the heat in summer, and offers fruit all winter long to blackbirds and thrushes. If you have dead wood, do not hesitate to leave some in your garden, it will serve as food for insects and shelter for hedgehogs.

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