NCIS actor indicted for complicity in the murder of two young women

Glimpses at a “rave party”

Details of the investigation have been revealed. We learn in particular that the last place where the two young women were seen was at the home of the two men, where they had gone after a drunken evening. According to the results of the investigation, however, they would have tried to leave the premises twenty minutes after their arrival, in particular by ordering a VTC. Which they obviously failed to do since a few hours later, the surveillance cameras immortalized David Pearce carrying the body of Christy Giles to his vehicle, with Brandt Osborn, before leaving her at a hospital, claiming finding her passed out on the sidewalk.

The two men would then have returned to the apartment, this time to load the body of Hilda Cabrales, which was deposited in front of another establishment. The day before, they were seen with the two women helping themselves to what strongly resembled cocaine at a rave party. A little later in the night, they would have left the party by their side.

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