Tested in Strasbourg, the capital of cycling, two new road signs have entered into force in the Highway Code according to a decree published on June 13 in the Official Journal. These measures aim to improve the safety of users and can be deployed throughout France. Communities are free to set them up.
Because today motorcyclists, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists share the same travel space, cohabitation is often difficult. It is on a particularly dangerous crossroads, Place de l’Etoile in Strasbourg, where all kinds of users meet, that a new sign was tested: the mixed pedestrian-cyclist light.
This new equipment tells pedestrians and cyclists that they must stop at the crosswalk. This mixed box can be used when a cycle path is parallel to a pedestrian crossing at the crossing of a lane.
The other novelty, also tested in Strasbourg, is countdown at pedestrian crossings. This indicates to pedestrians both the waiting time before going through the green light, then the time remaining to cross the road.
“These two new signals do not currently revolutionize the highway code or the behavior of users, but each time we are making progress in the safety of mobility”, says Yves Logiel of the Information and Automatic Traffic Regulation Service (SIRAC).
These new signs appear as the mortality of cyclists on the road has almost quadrupled since 2019. For the first time in 20 years, the mortality of cyclists exceeds the threshold of 200 killed (227 in 2021). According to this same assessment, one in three cyclists kills themselves alone, without colliding with another user. Precautionary measures are therefore important, such as wearing a helmet. It is strongly recommended if not compulsory for children over 12 years old.