Race Across America: mission accomplished for Sasseville

Well aware that he had to take up the greatest challenge of his sporting career, ultracyclist Sébastien Sasseville had a hard time, but he nevertheless crossed the finish line of the RAAM (Race Across America) within the maximum time limit of 12 days, not without seriously thinking about throwing in the towel with 1000 km to go.

A general view of the starting line, where the Quebecer started in Oceanside, California, on June 14.

Photo courtesy Dan Aponte

A general view of the starting line, where the Quebecer started in Oceanside, California, on June 14.

Leaving Oceanside (California) on June 14, for a 4800 km ride that crossed three mountain ranges, two deserts with temperatures of 45 degrees Celsius and 12 States, Sasseville showed up in Annapolis (Maryland) in 11 days , 22 hours and 25 minutes, ending at 12e rank among the 33 athletes at the start, more than 50 percent of whom dropped out.

The lone Canadian entered in the solo event came close to retiring on day nine.

“Every day there were darknesses, great joys and little doubts, but my body completely collapsed on day nine, he summarizes a few days after returning home. My body was weak and I had no power in my legs. I felt a big doubt of not being able to complete the race. »

Sasseville was in shock after having worked tirelessly on this project for a year with the ten members of his team who accompanied him.

The Quebecer receives treatment from his team on the ninth day, where he almost had to give up.

Photo courtesy Dan Aponte

The Quebecer receives treatment from his team on the ninth day, where he almost had to give up.

“I felt like I was letting the whole team down,” says the cyclist, who suffers from type 1 diabetes, the most severe form of the disease. It was one of the most difficult moments of my career. I was in tears and devastated. »

“Resurrection Strategy”

That’s when his team took over.

“I was exhausted and no longer able to make the right decisions,” he explains. They told me “You sleep for five hours and we take care of everything”. This was the resurrection strategy. When I woke up after five o’clock instead of the usual two to three hour breaks, there were three days left to meet the deadline and 1000 km to go. It was my turn to show what I could do. »

Sébastien Sasseville in one of the two deserts covered during his epic, on the third day.

Photo courtesy Dan Aponte

Sébastien Sasseville in one of the two deserts covered during his epic, on the third day.

Back on his mount, Sasseville was able to clock up the miles at a fast enough pace to get in within the prescribed time.

“It’s something really special to be able to say that I have completed RAAM,” he says. There are more people who have successfully climbed Mount Everest [dont Sasseville en 2008] than people who have completed RAAM. There are 15 to 20 successful ultracyclists each year for every 100 climbers who reach the summit of Everest. »

Sasseville and members of his team after the Quebecer had crossed the finish line.

Photo courtesy Dan Aponte

Sasseville and members of his team after the Quebecer had crossed the finish line.

With hindsight and a bit of perspective, the disappointment of not having clocked as fast as he wanted was quickly replaced by the pride of having reached the finish line on his first attempt.

“I’m so proud of the team and it’s mission accomplished. I was physically fit enough to get a better result, but RAAM is so much more than physical exertion. We had incredible moments for our first experience. We made some rookie mistakes, but we learned a lot and the experience was just as satisfying. »

Back in the future?

While he’s still not fully recovered from his efforts, will Sasseville line up at the starting line again in the future?

“I want to do it again, says the 42-year-old ultracyclist, but maybe not in 2023. My body needs a rest. Recovery will take a few months. I put so much strain on my network. My friends have given so many hours. »

“I still have the passion to live big projects, but my objective for the moment is to live lots of simple little things, concludes Sasseville. I wasn’t a hermit, but I’ve given up on many things over the past year and missed out on several special events. It was my choice, but I want to take myself back. »

Teammates united for life

Beyond his sporting performance, Sébastien Sasseville is extremely proud to have been able to gather around him a group of people united by a common mission.

“We are linked for life, illustrates the 42-year-old ultracyclist who crossed Canada by bike in 2021 and in the race in 2014. My only merit is to have gathered everyone around a common mission. It was the hardest part and the one I’m most proud of. It’s like building a business. We had a Cadillac team while others were bickering. »

These major projects fuel the Sasseville runner.

“I’m not an Olympic gold medalist, I never win a race, but I accumulate enriching experiences and that’s what keeps me alive,” he says. Some of my partners told me that they wanted to improve certain aspects of their lives by participating in this challenge. It makes me happy. The race had an impact on many people. »

Greatest achievement

For all these reasons, the ultracyclist, author and speaker considers the RAAM to be his greatest achievement.

“For all that it entails around the bike, I think it’s the biggest accomplishment of my career. In a group of ten, it was necessary to create a culture and cohesion. I will take the time to savor the accomplishment. »

Sasseville is happy to show that his type 1 diabetes is not a hindrance.

“Despite the disease, you can do great things. Instead of fighting or trying to overcome the disease, I accepted and welcomed it even if it is not easy and not the fun. From the moment you make the disease an ally, it’s fine. »

Waste of time

Given his state of health, Sasseville is convinced that he has wasted a lot of time, but he is not at all offended.

“I lost hours and I could have finished higher, but that does not upset me, assures the one who received his diagnosis at the age of 22. This is my path, my destiny. In the beginning, it was diabetes that gave me this platform, got me sponsors and gave me this career. »

The cyclist, a type 1 diabetic, receives a helping hand inside his team's trailer on the fourth day.

Photo courtesy Dan Aponte

The cyclist, a type 1 diabetic, receives a helping hand inside his team’s trailer on the fourth day.

Managing his blood sugar was a constant challenge.

“Management is already difficult when you have a desk job and you eat three meals a day at regular times,” he says. During the RAAM, I found myself in a unique environment. It was 45 degrees in the desert and later I was wearing a toque in the mountains of Colorado. »

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