Léa François pregnant with her 2nd baby: secrets about her companion Simon, a “super” dad

In mid-June 2022, Léa François made a big announcement on social networks. The interpreter of Barbara Evenot in More beautiful life posed with a rounded belly, revealing that she was pregnant with her second child. With our colleagues from the magazine Paris hereon newsstands this Wednesday, June 29, 2022, the 34-year-old actress makes a few rare secrets about this pregnancy and her couple.

I am entering my sixth month of pregnancy“, indicates Léa François. While she has not yet revealed whether she is expecting a little girl or a little boy, she explains the reason: “We don’t know the sex of the baby yet, but that doesn’t really matter. Louison, my 2 and a half year old daughter, is super happy… and in a hurry that I’m giving birth! She said to me: ‘I would like to have a sister, but if it’s a boy it will be good all the same!’“An adorable reaction from the eldest of the family, who showed up in September 2019.

It was on this precise date that the life of Léa François changed. With our colleagues from Galathe actress even compared the birth of Louison to a “tsunami” in her life, as in that of her lover Simon. A wave of love that pushed the couple to welcome a new baby into the family. If she goes back and forth between Paris and Marseille for the filming of More beautiful life, he is no longer present. “He is great ! Simon manages a lot of things since Louison was born and he takes care of it a lotshe confided to Paris here. I recognize that he has more authority. Me, I can take three hours to bed because it drives me crazy. But hey, repeating the hug 46 times, that suits me very well.

Together, are they planning a wedding? The answer is clear! “We’ve been together for fourteen years and marriage hasn’t been something I’ve dreamed of since I was little. But why not ?“, declares Léa François. With Simon and their “very cool little girl, a little naughty too sometimes“, she is looking forward to expanding the family.

Congratulations again!

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