the BBC, the British public broadcasting channel, also threatened


France 3

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Tuesday, June 28, the French public audiovisual services go on strike to protest against the abolition of the license fee. Live from London, Mathieu Boisseau presents the British BBC model.

In the United Kingdom, the BBC, British public broadcasting, is also financed by a license fee paid by taxpayers. It amounts to 159 pounds per year, or 184 euros. The company brings together 20,000 employees in television, radio and the web. “On this side of the Channel, too, funding is threatened. Boris Johnson’s government first decided to freeze the license fee for two years. It is therefore no longer indexed to inflation, a shortfall for the BBC”says journalist Mathieu Boisseau, live from London, Tuesday, June 28.

“From 2027, the fee could be abolished and no one knows today what it will be replaced”, continues Mathieu Boisseau. The government argues that this removal would reduce the bill for British households. “There are also political reasons, since the BBC has been accused on many occasions, by the conservative majority, of being too critical of it”concludes the journalist.

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