Quebecers have broad backs

And short memory, we might add.

The unspeakable federal incompetence revealed by the chaos in issuing passports will soon be forgotten. Either we will sweep under the carpet the fact that it is in Quebec that this unprecedented situation has been experienced in total anarchy, and this, for more than a week.

Images of citizens crushed with fatigue in beach chairs where they spent nights trying to sleep, sometimes in the rain, to finally obtain a passport, an essential document for traveling outside the country, went around the world.

Canada, a G7 country? A joke, isn’t it? This kind of mismanagement, that is to say disorder, mess and waste, reflects the image of an unmanageable and underdeveloped society.


As the situation persists and will continue until the fall, it seems, we have to wonder about the governance of Canada.

Have we already forgotten the siege of Ottawa by thugs dubbed “defenders of freedoms” who had taken over the capital for weeks before being chased from Parliament Hill and its surroundings?

What is democracy in a liberal sauce? Justin Trudeau never ceases to praise it abroad, where, moreover, he can go freely with a passport delivered on a silver platter in his case.

Now let’s wait for the results of the unlimited generosity that the Trudeau government liked to grant to the population during the pandemic to assess the magnitude of the anticipated catastrophe.

It must be said that the number of Canadians, including Quebecers, who have benefited from Trudeauist largesse in the context of COVID-19 is high enough to make them more or less amnesiac during the next election.

Moreover, Quebeckers may repeat like a mantra that Quebec is a society proud of its past and combative for its culture, so why does Prime Minister Legault let Ottawa hurl insults at him with complete impunity?


Because insult and arrogance are also traits of Justin son even if he becomes honeyed when he declares himself to be a proud Quebecer. Indeed, the proverb “like father, like son” applies here. Have the nationalist Quebecers who lived under the father’s reign forgotten his jokes about Robert Bourassa, called a “hot-dog eater”, or his promises to protect Quebec if Quebecers voted no in the referendum of 1980?

Let’s not be fooled. Quebec’s national holiday has no resonance in English Canada, for which the only true national holiday is July 1st. PET and his friends, including those from Quebec, knew how to play with these “emotive people”, as they designated the French Canadians, baptized Quebecers in the sixties.

What more can you think of the insane mess at the Montreal airport, so incomparable to what is happening in the airports of English Canada? Is this a different way of managing federal institutions in Quebec?

Fortunately, Quebecers as a whole are not conspiratorial. They might think that Ottawa is interpreting the Quebec concept of a distinct society in this way!

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