in the Donbass, many wounded evacuated by Doctors Without Borders


Video length: 2 min.


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Doctors Without Borders is present in Donbass (Ukraine). The NGO helps to take care of and to evacuate the wounded to other towns, away from the fighting.

The NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is active in Donbass in Ukraine. At the Pokrovsk station, in the Donetsk region, as the warning sirens sounded, the NGO train had to evacuate around twenty civilians. Two women arrive from the hospital in Sloviansk, near the front line. This medical train welcomes both the war wounded and the sick, whom the overwhelmed hospitals of the Donbass can no longer take care of.

“We have five intensive care beds. These two are level 3 beds, that is to say that we have the capacity to have people who are ventilated. We can go up to the oxygen, 60 liters for each patient so it’s really a very high level of care as you can get in a normal hospital”, describes Marie Burton, coordinator of the MSF medical train in Ukraine. To respond to the emergency, this train crosses the country several times a month. In total, more than 1,000 people have already been transferred to safer regions. Once on board, head for Lviv in the west of the country, far from the fighting raging in the Donbass.

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