[Lettre] Parizeau never gave up on his dream

Exactly seven years after his death, the 1er June 2015, an imposing bronze statue of PQ Premier Jacques Parizeau was unveiled behind the National Assembly, facing Jacques-Parizeau Street. Several political personalities paid tribute to the memory of this independence leader, including Mr. Parizeau’s widow, former MP Lisette Lapointe, who expressed herself in these terms: “Don’t be afraid of your dreams, he said . His was huge, the greatest of dreams, to make Quebec a country, and he very nearly realized it. Until the end of his life, he never gave up on his dream. »

In these difficult times for the Parti Québécois, and particularly since the heartbreaking defeat of the 1995 referendum, ie 50.6% for the No against 49.4% for the Yes, voices are rising to announce the end of the PQ. Now, it was Saint-Exupéry who said: “If you want to build a boat, don’t gather your men and women to give them orders, to explain every detail, to tell them where to find everything… If you want to build a boat, arouse in the hearts of your men and women the desire for the sea.” But where is he, this leader who will arouse in the hearts of Quebecers the desire for independence? Until when will Quebeckers accept being shamelessly gagged by the federal government in their emancipation?

An election campaign will get under way soon. Can the leader of the PQ, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, succeed in the titanic task of putting Quebec’s independence back on track? Anyway, in my opinion, it is too late to dither on the leadership of the current leader. Sovereignists must line up behind their leader and show him all the confidence he needs to relaunch the sovereignist project. There will always be time to carry out the autopsy of the campaign the day after October 3rd… Now is the time for a real battle of ideas, which must converge towards the “desire” for independence!

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