“Canada Day convoy” | Pierre Poilievre dissociates himself from a convoy, but not from his cause

(Ottawa) The team of Conservative candidate Pierre Poilievre denies that the latter has exchanged with the organizers of a new convoy which could land in the streets of Ottawa, this time on Canada Day.

Posted at 4:57 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

After the “Freedom Convoy” in February, the “Rolling Thunder” in May, the “Canada Day Convoy” on the 1er next July? One thing is certain, rumors of a new demonstration “for freedom” and against the government of Justin Trudeau are rife.

“BREAKING NEWS: We just hung up with Pierre Poilievre and his team. He plans to meet with us in Ottawa on the 1er July. Poilievre says he supports us 100%, ”we wrote in the night from Monday to Tuesday on the Twitter account called “Canada Day Convoy”, created a few days ago.

A page was also created on Gab, a social network frequented by sympathizers of the extreme right.

While Pierre Poilievre’s team distanced itself from it, it reaffirmed the positions of the leadership candidate, who had given his full support to the “freedom convoy” that occupied the streets of the nation’s capital for more than three weeks, last winter.

“I encourage everyone to continue to demonstrate against the government’s attacks on our freedoms,” the Ottawa-area MP said in a statement sent by his press secretary, calling the vaccination requirements an “unfair intimidation and unscientific.

However, “no one” from the Poilievre camp “spoke to the organizers” of this group, the spokesperson argued. The main interested party, however, continues to line up behind “all Canadians who peacefully defend their rights by demonstrating against the Liberal government’s vaccine vendetta”.

And the 1er July, he will be in his riding of Carleton as he is used to, specified his attaché.

The organization “Canada Day Convoy” did not respond to an email sent by The Presstuesday.

Ottawa police on the lookout

The Ottawa police have already warned that they do not intend to play in the same film as last winter. “We will not allow a recurrence of the conditions that culminated in the illegal protests last February,” the organization posted on Twitter last Friday.

“We will maintain an approach prohibiting vehicle-based protests in and around places of national significance,” the police force added, saying its plan would take into account “lessons learned in light of unlawful protests as well as that of “Rolling Thunder”.

The section of Wellington Street which was occupied by heavy goods vehicles has been closed to traffic since the major police operation which freed the streets of the city centre.

This year, Canada Day celebrations will be held on Lebreton Flats due to construction on Parliament Hill.

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