on Instagram, his hot dance with Jordan Mouillerac from “DALS”!

Denitsa Ikonomova is one of the key figures of “Dancing with the Stars”. Recently, his duet with François Alu fascinates internet users. Seen together at the vow renewal ceremony of Arnaud Ducret and Claire Francisci, the two lovebirds had not failed to react. If they have not yet formalized their couple, there is no doubt that the dancers share a real bond. On June 4, they were side by side in the ladies’ final of Roland Garros. Photos that had quickly made the buzz.

A hot dance

But while Denitsa Ikonomova is increasingly close to her colleague, she appeared, this Saturday, June 18, in the company of another colleague from “Dancing with the stars”. It was with Jordan Mouillerac that the pretty brunette began a torrid dance on a stage in Dijon. Dressed in black pants and a white drop top, the young woman gave her all to a cover of Stromae. While the singer sings the words of the title “Papaoutai”, Bilal Hassani’s partner in the latest edition of the TF1 show and his sidekick follow the steps.

Hair in the wind, Denitsa Ikonomova lets herself be carried by Jordan Mouillerac. Above, below, on the side, the dance of the two artists will have made a strong impression on their fans. A dance that the one to whom we lend an affair with François Alu did not hesitate to share on his Instagram account. It is in story that the young woman has posted the video of a certain Jessika Sent. One thing is certain, it is that the famous dancer has, once again, offered a performance at the height of her talents. A talent that has earned him the title of judge in DALS.


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