“You’re fat…” Kelly Vedovelli harassed by a man, these awful messages she receives all day long…

Very active on social networks, Kelly Vedovelli continues to share her daily life with her fans. Between the photos, videos and other stories, the columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” is having a field day. Unfortunately, who says notoriety also says haters. And like many celebrities, Cyril Hanouna’s sidekick is often the victim of inappropriate comments. Recently, she also posted the Instagram account of a man who regularly attacks her on her weight. ” You have to go on a diet, sorry to tell you that, good for you “, writes in particular this detractor under a publication. And to add: You’re too fat, question yourself. Excuse me, but I am frank “.

“You are mentally ill”

Messages that seem to stick in his throat. Ready to do anything to defend herself, Kelly Vedovelli therefore posted a post from her rival in an Instagram story. This is not the first time that the young woman has attacked her haters. Strongly criticized on his physique, the star of TPMP had notably declared: “ People who argue about my physique, you are mentally ill “.

Luckily, Kelly Vedovelli is trying to hold her head up high and shrug off the critics. In addition, she never hesitates to cause a sensation on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”. This Monday, June 6, the pretty blonde was also noticed because of her delay. An attitude that Cyril Hanouna did not really appreciate. Annoyed, the troublemaker of C8 did not fail to give him a live call. ” You know we’re on set and we’re waiting for you. What are you doing, are you going to take a dip or what? “, launched the host. To which, Kelly Vedovelli replied: “ Honestly, why not, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen people. I’m coming in five minutes. There, it’s chatting, I’m coming “. Something to make the rest of the team laugh.


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