Shakira and Gerard Pique are separated. The couple formalized this separation after 12 years together, in a press release to the EFE agency, the Spanish equivalent of AFP, asking “respect for their privacy“, as reported by El Paísthis Saturday, June 4, 2022.”We regret to confirm that we are separating. For the well-being of our children, which is our highest priority, we ask that you respect their privacy. thank you for your understanding“, said the parents of two boys, Sasha and Milan. Later, the Colombian star decided to come out on silence and put an end to some rumors, with a poignant photo.
On Twitter, she returned to the photos of her in an ambulance in Barcelona, who leaked last week when some spoke of an anxiety attack the singer had led to hospitalization. It is not so. In reality, the photos of her aboard this hospital vehicle date from May 28. “When my father had a bad fall and I had to accompany him to the hospital in an ambulance, writes Shakira in this message. He is still recovering there.” And to illustrate his words, the now former companion of Gerard Piqué shared a poignant photo of her kissing her father, injured in the face.