Queen Elizabeth II’s Jubilee

“70 years Queen Elizabeth has sat on the throne and still no bedsores. Congratulations. 70 years of power without a rigged election, without a military coup, without a genocide, with popularity to make a bookmaker cry while she has never scored a goal in the English league. We have never seen such a popular head of state after 70 years of reign. What a lesson in realism in an era that cultivates immediacy as a virtue, Elisabeth embody a strange value, duration. Zaza is the monetary SICAV of power, the regal woolen stocking, the booklet has realpolitics, the life insurance of parliamentary alternation and in these times of stock market disturbances, as still underlined yesterday Ellon Musk by laying off half of his staff, it is better to bet on stocks with regular returns.”

In Hello Mailhot?Régis Mailhot has set himself a goal: to answer your questions wherever they come from!

With his sharp pen and his view of the news, the comedian Régis Mailhot gives you an appointment every day at 1:55 p.m. in My France next to Wendy Bouchard.

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