Denmark chooses by referendum to integrate European defense



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In a context of war in Ukraine, the Danes have chosen by referendum to integrate the European defense policy, thus turning the page of 30 years of exception.

A very large victory, in a referendum acclaimed by the Danes. As soon as the polling stations opened, many of them wanted to express their choice: yes or no to the country’s entry into the defense of the European Union? Since the rejection of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, Denmark had obtained a series of derogations within the EU, including the military component. But the war in Ukraine has since changed mentalities.

The story changes and it concerns Denmark. Now we have to adapt and react“said a young man as he left the polling station.”In times of war, it is important to speak out and be able to say if you want to join this type of community“, adds a woman. On Wednesday evening, the Prime Minister was delighted with the result. From now on, the Danish soldiers will no longer train alone, but alongside their European colleagues.

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