the Paris prosecutor’s office does not open an investigation “as is”

The prosecution had indicated on Sunday that two complaints had been dismissed in 2012 and 2017.

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The Paris prosecutor’s office informed franceinfo on Wednesday May 25 that it was not opening a preliminary investigation. “as is” on accusations of sexual violence against the new Minister of Solidarity Damien Abad. “The Paris prosecutor’s office does not follow up on the mail from the Observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics”, an association created in February in the wake of the MeToo movement. This organization sent it the testimony of a woman accusing Damien Abad of rape, but the prosecution refused to go further. “lack of evidence to identify the victim of the facts denounced and, therefore, lack of possibility to proceed to his detailed hearing”.

The Paris prosecutor’s office very rarely communicates to justify its choice not to open an investigation. The Observatory of gender-based and sexual violence in politics has “strongly” amazed on Twitter at this response. According to this non-governmental organization, “However, it is common for preliminary investigations to be initiated on the basis of anonymous testimonies”.

The prosecution had indicated on Sunday that a first complaint filed for rape had indeed been “dismissed” in April 2012 “due to the plaintiff’s failure”as well as a second “for the same facts” in december 2017 fault “sufficiently serious offence”.

Since the articles appeared, Damien Abad has dismissed the charges. “I have never raped a single woman in my life”he defended himself on Monday, citing the rare congenital neuromuscular disease from which he suffers, arthrogryposis.

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