We couldn’t miss it. Eloquence lesson with Luc Ferry and Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Luc Ferry and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, regular debaters on LCI, do not hesitate to use invective or even insult. This did not escape Olivia Leray.

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Reading time : 1 min.

This lesson in eloquence was offered to us live on LCI, Sunday May 22, by Luc Ferry and Daniel Cohn-Bendit. The two debaters showed us how to debate calmly and with respect for others. It started with the appointment of the new Minister of Education, Pap N’Diaye, and things got out of hand.

To try to understand, I read their current horoscope. For Dany, Form level is: “Need to rest”. En with regard to Luc Ferry: “If the stress increases, isolate yourself.” Their Last February’s horoscope must have been more or less the same, because we were also on a high level, on another subject: Putin and Russia.


“Poor truffle”, expression used by Luc Ferry, the very symbol of eloquence and self-control. And Daniel Cohn-Bendit, what was he doing and at the end of May 2019? He got confused with Gilbert Collard, of the National Rally, during the election night for the Europeans.

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