It has never been so hot in Strasbourg in May

New record. Mercury has reached 33.9°C at the Strasbourg-Entzheim weather station this Thursday afternoon, unheard of since the beginning of the readings, in 1924. This new extreme dethrones the old reading of 33.8°C on May 29, 2017.

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record heat for the month of May also hit the Alsatian mountains. Atmo-Risk reports 31.2°C in Wangenbourg (against 31.1°C on 05/28/2017) and 29.7°C at the Hohwald (against 28.5°C on 05/24/2009).

The prize for the highest temperature ever measured in Alsace remains attributed to the Colmar-Meyenheim station: 34.7°C on May 25, 2009.

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