The aeronautics and space sector is recruiting

The activity of the French aerospace sector started again in 2021 and seeks to recruit nearly 15,000 people this year.

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Driven by the defense industry, which played a role as a shock absorber during the health crisis in 2021, French companies in the aeronautics and space sector are smiling again.

To ensure the upswing of major aircraft manufacturers, and prepare for technological and environmental developments in aviation, they launched a vast recruitment campaign a few days ago.

A campaign called “L’Aéro Recrute”. “We are launching the L’Aéro Recrute campaign, which aims to recruit 15,000 people on permanent contracts this year, from CAP to Bac+8, and 6,000 work-study students”specifies Christophe Cador, president of the Aero-PME committee of Gifas, the Group of French aeronautical and space industries.

The 410 member companies of GIFAS employed nearly 188,000 people at the end of 2021. This is 6,000 fewer than in 2020 and 14,000 fewer than before the health crisis. Thanks to the recovery, the trend therefore seems to be reversing.

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