a Laval resident sentenced to prison for violence against a child

Three cases for one man judged this Tuesday at the criminal court of Laval, in Mayenne. A 28-year-old man was first sentenced to six months in prison for domestic violence, malicious phone calls and death threats to his partner in September 2020, six months in prison also for causing an accidentdestroyed a car and fled to Laval in October 2020 and above all sentenced to one year in prison for intentional violence against a 3-year-old child from a former girlfriend in September 2019.

“He put poop in my mouth”

September 25, 2019 in Coudray, in the South of Mayenne, the defendant exercised violence on the three-year-old child of a former companion. That day, the little one has difficulty going to the toilet. He can’t have a bowel movement, he has urinary problems, gastric problems and the kindergarten even says he can’t stop himself from peeing. After school, the nursery assistant picks him up in the afternoon, he stays there until the evening when his mother’s friend, in this case the defendant, comes to pick him up.

On returning home, the man finds that the little one pooped in his panties and “that they are everywhere” in his words. “It was monstrous, I was angry because it was horrible”, he said in the hearing. He undresses him, cleans him, washes him, puts him in pajamas and feeds him before his mother arrives. That’s all he says. When the mother returns, she discovers that her child is not well, her little one shows her his lower abdomen. Admitted in the evening to the hospital of Château-Gontier then to the CH of Angers taking into account the injuries, he presents redness on the level of the sex, the 3-year-old child designates the defendant as the one who made him boho he says to his mother, “He put poop in my mouth and then I spat it out in the shower.” “The photos are quite unbearable”, concludes the prosecutor. Laval residents get one year in prison no arrangement possible.

“I’m going to make you miserable until you die”

A year later, in September 2020, the man does not support the separation with another companion. He sends her several insulting, threatening messages, also calls him to scare him. “I’m going to make you miserable until you die”, “I will kill you”, he writes for example. Heard on these facts, the Lavallois does not dispute anything except the death threats, “It is not me”he told investigators. He even attacks the parents of the victim, by entering the victim’s mother’s house to steal her bag, the father’s house to cut off the water in the house or even threaten the brother of his ex-partner. In September 2020, he also slapped this ex-companion, she initially filed a complaint but withdrew it, for fear of reprisals from her. “Me too, he scared me”, adds the victim’s lawyer at the hearing. Already sentenced several times for violence and theft while he was on probation, he therefore receives for this case of six months in prison.

He hit a car and fled

A month later, on October 9, 2020 around 11 p.m., the defendant hit a car at the Avesnières bridge in Laval and fled. The driver will have two days of ITT. Found a few hours after the accident by the police, the Laval resident said he fled because he was afraid of the police. While driving without insurance, the defendant recognize the facts but believes that it is not he who is at fault. “All that was missing was traffic offenses in his record, it’s done”, quips the prosecutor in her submissions. He therefore suffers from 6 months in prison and 12 months license suspension.

The defendant was not present at the hearing, he cannot be found and is psychologically unstable. Justice is still trying to get their hands on him.

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