Ayem Nour
Pregnant with her son Ayvin, born from her relationship with businessman Vincent Miclet, Ayem Nour gained around thirty kilos. After giving birth, the former reality TV star struggled to get rid of her. Violently criticized for her weight, Ayem Nour took a radical decision: to resort to cosmetic surgery. But the doctors categorically refused. “I had arrived at such a weight load that my friends advised me to undergo liposuction. Even plastic surgeons refused to operate on me because my overweight was too important”, recently confided the pretty brunette to “Ici Paris”. It is finally thanks to sport, to a change in diet but also to the Keto diet that Ayem Nour “stabilized her weight” and lost 25 kilos in one year.
Amel Bent
After the first confinement, in May 2020, Amel Bent displayed a whole new silhouette! Thanks to her new hygiene of life, the singer lost about ten kilos. “I pay attention to my diet. When I’m fat, it’s because I’m messing around with food, there are no other reasons. I’m not sick, I don’t have any particular hormonal problems. . I did not go on a draconian diet, I have always done the yoyo with my weight “, confided Amel Bent in January 2021 to” Ciné Télé Revue “.
Chimene Badi
Like Amel Bent, Chimène Badi took advantage of the first confinement to “take charge”. In “Closer”, she revealed her secret: “I had two months to play sports, eat healthy, take time for myself in peace, sleep”. The advice of his companion, a physical education teacher, also had an effect!
Christina aguilera
In the space of a year, the singer lost 5 sizes, going from a 44 to a very small 34! His secret? The sport ! She trains eight times a week for 90 minutes per session.
Nicole richie
Paris Hilton’s former best friend has changed a lot since her TV debut! It is especially since the birth of her daughter Harlow that Nicole Richie has lost a lot of pounds, reaching a worrying weight. Nicole Richie is said to have sculpted a new figure thanks to the Skinny Bitch method, which consists of following a strict vegan menu by limiting the consumption of meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products.
Laurent Ournac
In 2015, the actor weighed 145 kilos. An overweight which is not without risk. Doctors even spoke at that time of morbid obesity. Concerned about his health, Laurent Ournac opted for a sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical procedure that aims to remove 70 to 80% of the stomach.
Marilou Berry
To play different characters in the cinema, the actress is ready for anything, even to gain and lose weight as quickly as possible! A decision far from being recommended by doctors but which does not seem to frighten Marilou Berry. To play in “The New Adventures of Cinderella”, the actress shed about twenty pounds! What to worry about his mother Josiane Balasko.
Khloe kardashian
The reality TV star has lost 27 kilos since the birth of her daughter True in April 2018. A sports addict, Kim Kardashian’s sister has revealed her secret: “If you want to achieve significant weight loss, diet and sport are complementary “.
Cindy sander
Between her debut in music and today, the singer revealed in “The New Star” has changed a lot! In August 2021, she created a surprise on Instagram by revealing her new slim figure. “Food is not all. If you want to have a beautiful body and lighten a few pounds, you have to move your buttocks. You should exercise at least thirty minutes a day”, she confided in his Instagram story.
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