David Henri, co-founder of Exotrail, unveils a “space van” to transport satellites

A vehicle for space. The young French company Exotrail has just announced an agreement with the American SpaceX. In 2023, a rocket will put the “space van”, a space vehicle designed by Exotrail, capable of carrying small satellites, into orbit. Eco guest of franceinfo on Monday April 18, David Henri, co-founder of Exotrail, wants to propose “last mile delivery… but in space“.

If the rocket makes most of the trip, the “space van” is then responsible for arriving “safely”, of “detach the satellites and drop them off at their destination“, before they are put into service. An innovation, while the market for small satellites is booming, in particular to ensure internet coverage across the globe.

“In 2010, there were ten small satellites, weighing less than 500 kilos, launched in one year. Last year, there were almost two thousand.”

David Henri, co-founder of Exotrail

on franceinfo

For now, the French start-up has signed a contract for a single shot. But discussions are underway for other launches. “The order of magnitudeexplains the leader, it’s a million dollars to send our space van and all the satellites it’s going to carry, and then we’re going to take the satellites to their operational orbit“.

If the company has reached an agreement with Elon Musk’s company, for a shot as early as next year, it has discussions with “all launchers“, says David Henri: “In particular, we plan to launch with Ariane 6, from Arianespace“.

The full interview can be found here:

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