training “like the pros” for a thousand young footballers from Île de France

Some children from the ten clubs selected by PSG do not know it yet, but at Easter they will be entitled to very special training. On the menu: two and a half hours of activities concocted by Paris-Saint-Germain, which has decided to renew its Club Tour. An initiative, in connection with the Ile de France Football League, which sees PSG move during the holidays (from April 25 to May 6) in clubs that give pride of place to football for girls as for boys.

Each selected club

will offer the activity to 50 U11 players and 50 other U13 players (under 13). With this initiative, the Parisian club returns to the source and reconnects with the base. But the biggest Parisian club refutes that this project is taxed as opportunist, as PSG secretary general Victoriano Melero told us:

We are not establishing ourselves, we are strengthening our links with the clubs. We are an Ile-de-France club. Me, in the past, I was at the Federation (FFF), so I know how important amateur football is. There is the weight of the districts, the weight of the Île de France league. We don’t do this out of opportunism. Because very frankly without them, and that goes for the past, the clubs where there is no football, so here we are, we give back a little of what they give us on a daily basis by training our young people and young players.For his part, Maxime Agostini, director of the PSG brand, specifies: ”

The 10 clubs selected by PSG
The 10 clubs selected by PSG


An “essential” visit For the launch of this operation, the PSG invited Monday, April 11 at the Parc des Princes the leaders of the clubs which will receive the Club Tour. Xavier Israel is the president of the ESBF, the sports agreement of Bouafle-Flins (78). On Friday April 29, he and his teams will therefore receive the educators from Paris-Saint-Germain. A coming that the leader of this club of more than 300 licensees is looking forward to “in addition to the obvious interest for the children who will be able to practice workshops under the colors of their favorite club. There is for us, as part of the training, the accompaniment of the hatching of certain players. And we hope that it will simplify the rapprochement with PSG.”

The club of the capital is indeed doing a very big job of “scouting” (spotting) on ​​talents in Île de France.

“We see them very present around the pitches but it’s true that the start of the sequel, the fact of having a player signed precisely at Paris Saint-Germain, is something that is more complicated. And I think that Paris Saint-Germain has a real job to do with the clubs of Ile de France. We are part of it and it is with pleasure that we welcome them for that.” This message, Jean-François Pien hears it perfectly. He, the director of the training center knows very well that PSG must always work even more on its relations with the Ile-de-France clubs.The idea is not to miss the very good players (and players) of the region:“You should know that the Paris region attracts all the clubs in the world. There are so many young players. To give you an example, in the Paris region, the U12 or U13 categories represent 12,000 young people. And each club has the possibility of recruit 8 players per season and per category. And you should know that every year, there are between 100 and 120 young Parisians who go to other provincial clubs. Because let’s be clear, the Paris region is indeed a fantastic breeding ground

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Advice from Marquinhos and the PSG nutritionist During these days which begin on April 25 in Cergy Pontoise, the PSG will therefore land with educators and workshops. On the program: 2h30 of football, a small snack is planned before a distribution of goodies including a notebook entitled “like the pros”.

We find inside the words of Marquinhos on the importance of the role of captain, but also of the chief nutritionist of the club who gives food advice or even muscle strengthening exercises with Marie-Antoinettte Katoto. Xavier Israël, the president of the ESBF really likes the idea of ​​this brochure

“It’s a rigor beyond work: sleep issues, general hygiene of life, nutrition, hydration. These are elements that are essential for their future development and the fact of being able to communicate on them. through a document that comes from Paris Saint-Germain, it will help us to send a message that is not easy to pass.”

In any case, even before this second edition of the Club Tour, PSG is already thinking about the next edition which could take place on All Saints' Day 2022.
The schedule of the little champions
The schedule of the little champions


PUC, AS.Poissy, FC.Issy-les-Moulineaux, AS.Choisy le Roy, FC Franconville, ESBF, US Torc, Evry FC, Noisy le Grand FC and FC Cergy Pontoise
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