“Worldly Guide to the Villages of France” by Matthias Debureaux, 500 villages for 500 celebrities

You may not have known it, but a great name in the arts, science or politics has an intimate connection with a village near you. He was born there, died there, lived a happy or unhappy childhood there, found roots there or a promised land, worked there or came to rest there, fled his successes or his failures, lived as a countryman or as a squire. ..

In any case, a page of our recent history has been written in one of those small towns next to which too often we pass without a glance. It was before the Worldly Guide to the Villages of France which shines with new brilliance 500 villages unjustly forgotten traditional tourist routes.

To write it, Matthias Debureaux got on his bike and traveled the small roads of our countryside in search of these extraordinary stories that were known, for the most part, only to a few happy few. Here they are finally put together. Funny, instructive and unexpected storieswhich place each of these villages at the center of the world.

A fun and glamorous way to rediscover the geography and history of France contemporary.

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