Nice among the three main cities of arrival of refugees in France

The Alpes-Maritimes, land of asylum. “The three main cities of arrival” Ukrainian refugees “are Strasbourg, Nice and Paris”after a month and a half of warindicates Delphine Rouilleault, director general of France Terre d’Asile, with our colleagues from franceinfo this Saturday morning.

At least 40,000 refugees have entered France, 30,000 of whom have obtained residence permits. They “are welcomed in all departments of France”specifies Delphine Rouilleault, each having “organized a place of reception in which to benefit from food aid and help to obtain accommodation”.

“The first subject is to find a base”believes the director general of France Terre d’Asile, for refugees_“who arrive, haggard, dazed by the long road and journeys of 3 to 6 days”.Delphine Rouilleault welcomes the measures put in place to take care of Ukrainian refugees, but stresses that it “It is almost difficult to manage this surge of solidarity with a whole series of citizens who would like to help and who do not necessarily know how”_.

“We try to channel this help a little by telling people that there is obviously citizen accommodation, but that they can also help by making donations., by sponsoring refugees without necessarily hosting them, specifies the director general of France Terre d’Asile. There are a thousand ways to be a volunteer and participate in this welcoming operation”, she pointed out.

With Radio France agency

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