last day of campaign for candidates



France 3

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Friday April 8 marks the last day of official campaigning for the presidential election. Present on the set of 12/13, the journalist Caroline Motte details the program of the day of the candidates who draw on their last strength.

The presidential candidates play their last cards, Friday April 8, before the first ballot, Sunday April 10. Valérie Pécresse was in Lyon (Rhône) on Thursday April 7, alongside Laurent Wauquiez, determined “despite a campaign that did not take”reports journalist Caroline Motte, present on the set of 12/13. “Éric Zemmour gathered his troops in Paris, 5,000 people at the Palais des Sports”, she continues. In Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), at the Parc des expositions, Marine Le Pen gathered her activists in “an almost nightclub atmosphere (…) Activists galvanized by the dynamics of this end of campaign”.

The RN candidate is also getting closer to Emmanuel Macron in the voting intentions. It is now at 23% according to the latest polls, against 26.5% for Emmanuel Macron. “Some people close to the president are alarmed by a possible victory for the far right, while others refuse to panic”, explains Caroline Motte. For her part, Christiane Taubira is calling for Jean-Luc Mélenchon to vote in order to block the far right. Finally, the professions of faith of the candidates have arrived in the mailboxes. “If you have not yet made your choice or are undecided, there is still time to browse the summary programs of the candidates and there is also still time to make your proxy.says Caroline Motte.

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