people aged 60 and over will be able to benefit from the fourth dose of vaccine


Article written by

C. Guyon, F. Prabonnaud, J. Ricco, V. Travert, A. Zouiouèche, Y. Moine, B. Bervas – France 3

France Televisions

On Thursday April 7, the government gave the green light for the new booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for people aged 60 and over.

Strengthening the immunity to Covid of the over 60s with a fourth vaccine dose, is it effective? An elderly person interviewed does not believe it. Another claims that she has no “nothing against, nothing for, I’ll see. I have no opinion”. Whether they are for or against, people aged 60 to 79 are eligible for this new booster dose. However, they must wait six months after the injection of their last dose or a Covid-19 infection.

Already recommended and available for people aged 80 and over, this new dose is not mandatory for them. But while the virus is still actively circulating in France, for the professor who is piloting the vaccination strategy in France, it is essential to make this new reminder. The journalist and doctor Didider Mascret has a reservation: “It is unclear whether the benefit will be effective in the long term.” However, he assures us that we will see a short-term benefit.

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