A rise in the price of toilet paper announced… everything you need to know!

Some must no doubt regret their gesture, which dates from the first confinement when we observe the current situation in Ukraine. Indeed, in 2019, when Emmanuel Macron announced to citizens that they were going to have to stay cloistered at home for an indefinite period because of the Covid-19 pandemic which was worrying the whole world, the President of the Republic would never have thought trigger such a situation. At this announcement, many people went to supermarkets to “stock up” and throw themselves on pasta, paper towels, or even toilet paper… A gesture that is still, at the present time, incomprehensible.

And if some criticized the French who had thrown themselves on these products, they could again come out of their hinges in the coming months. Given that Michel-Edouard Leclerc made gloomy predictions on this subject at the microphone of BFM-TV. The boss of the Leclerc brand revealed that the “price of toilet paper will increase considerably”. But will this price increase lead to a shortage? Not at all to believe the words of Michel-Edouard Leclerc. Provided, of course, that the French show intelligence. “Unless consumers trigger it themselves”he explained to our colleagues.

First containment version 2?

The boss did not think so well given that many citizens would have already started to stock up to cope with this price increase… “That’s the problem, we are starting to see consumers in some stores buying too much. They have somewhat forgotten what happened at the start of the Covid, at the time of the first confinement and it is they who cause the non- restocking of certain departments”he regrets.

It remains to be seen whether some will be smart and not rush to empty the supermarket shelves. And if this is the case, the French will always be able to compensate for their lack of toilet paper by showering…

See also: Isabelle Morini-Bosc attacked in the toilets: her poignant testimony


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