Philippe Lellouche, father of 4 children: this old car that makes his daughters crack (EXCLUDED)

Is it a passion that you share with your children?

My eldest son steals my Jeep to go see his friends. But I don’t feel like my kids have any passion for cars. My eldest, Sam, is 27, and he doesn’t really care about cars.

But he shares another passion with you, that of the theatre…

It’s really something he wanted to do. It wasn’t me who told him”You are going to play my play!“, that would be terrible. He had seen the play, The game of truth, when he was young. At one point he said to me “I’m old enough to play it, can I learn it“Obviously I was very flattered and very happy that he was taking his first steps in the theater with a play by his dad. It’s great. I was nervous for him. But it’s going really well, he’s super happy, he found a band with which he gets on really well. It’s always happy. I’m very proud of what he does and proud that he chose me because, for once, in the plays, there was plenty to choose from!

Do you envisage other collaborations with him?

I will never be against working with my son, but the project must lend itself to it. It will be with pleasure but I do not absolutely want to place my son, already he would hate it. He wants to do his own thing and he’s right. But if the opportunity arises, of course.

And the other three?

My second son, Solal, makes music, rap. It is not a universe which is foreign to me but one cannot say that it is a universe in which I am omniscient, far from it. So he does his stuff on his own, he makes his life as a young artist and for once he has no advice to ask me, he makes his way. And then my two daughters are still young. They are soon 4 and 11 years old, they live their lives as little girls.

Do you find time outside of the show to pursue your acting career?

I did two plays this year, The great ambitions with Mr. Pokora, and then right now I’m on tour through France, Switzerland, Belgium with the piece before, The invite, which I played with Gad Elmaleh and now play with Patrick Chesnais and Estelle Lefébure. For next year, it’s still a little secret but I’m going to start a one-man show. It will be early next year but I’m working on it. It’s a challenge. I have only one ambition, it is to be funny. I will talk about the world around us, which is still very loaded with things to take. The world has gone absolutely crazy…

Interview by Yohann Turi. Any reproduction prohibited without the mention of

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