War in Ukraine: the hell of the inhabitants of Mariupol



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On the 33rd day of the conflict in Ukraine, the inhabitants of Mariupol are going through hell. The special envoy of France Télévisions, Luc Lacroix, takes stock of the situation since the city.

For days now, there have been no more journalists to testify to the situation in Mariupol (Ukraine). The special envoy of France Télévisions, Luc Lacroix, was able to enter it on Monday March 28. “Here in Mariupol, there are burnt-out vehicles all over the streets. Almost no house, almost no building was spared. And then there is above all this noise, the incessant sound of the bombardments. Not more than a few minutes go by without us hearing them.”reports Luc Lacroix.

“There are also, a little further, residents who still live there, in the city. They have no more water, no more electricity, no more connection, no more heating. They sleep in cellars, but they want to stay because it’s their home, they explained to us. They really live in appalling conditions, especially as the fighting continues to rage.”concludes the journalist.

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