France Bleu Provence live from the Barben Animal Park

France Bleu Provence relocates its broadcasts, Saturday April 2 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Kevin Colloc will take you behind the scenes of the largest animal park in the region.

Created in 1969 The Animal Park of La Barben is the largest in the Provence-Alpes-Côtes-d’Azur region, extending over 33 hectares. Over the years, the park has been able to transform itself and increasingly respond to animal welfare concerns. Today, it hosts more than 650 animals, representing 130 species, from all over the planet.

Preserving species and biodiversity

Participation in the preservation of endangered species is one of the park’s priorities, which hosts around fifteen protected species strictly supervised by European Breeding Programmes. Reconnecting with nature, getting to know the biodiversity that surrounds us, taking an interest in the threats that weigh on certain species… these are all topics addressed by the educational team whose mission is to raise awareness.

A link between humans and the animal world

To go even further in its commitment, it also supports several associations for the conservation of species in their natural environment by relaying their actions to the public, and by providing financial assistance.

France Bleu Provence live from the Barben Animal Park

Kevin Colloc will be live from the Barben Animal Park Saturday April 2 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Come and meet the park teams as well as its residents.

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