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The bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Handle)known worldwide, is the pride of French heritage. At the beginning of spring, a major cleaning operation is organized.
Seen from above, the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche) has lost none of its majestic beauty. From below, that’s another story. Plastic everywhere, not necessarily visible at first glance, but scattered in the ground, sometimes literally encrusted. “When we looked in the salt meadows, we saw small black spots everywhere, which flew away”says Jacques Leriche, delegate of the association “The Sea Cleaners” for northern Brittany, on the initiative of this waste collection operation.
The association had no difficulty in mobilizing goodwill. “We like to clean up nature because it is also our playground”says a local. “We are surprised by the amount of plastic we can find in a place like this”, adds a volunteer. Torn off by storms, carried by the tides, these plastics come in particular from the protections used for the cultivation of mussels. Pollution denounced for years by associations.