Eric Zemmour not empathetic with children? Mélissa Theuriau cash on the candidate

In the ocean of political debates facing the presidential elections, the concept of the show To the blackboard ! out of place. Launched in 2017, created by Caroline Delage and produced by Mélissa Theuriau, this program puts political figures in front of an unfiltered audience: children. The new issue of this 2022 edition is broadcast, not on Canal+ in order to comply with the constraints of respecting the equity of speaking times imposed by Arcom (ex-CSA), but on C8 this Sunday, March 27 in prime time . For this 2022 vintage, the guests are Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains), Fabien Roussel (Communist Party), Yannick Jadot (Les Verts) and Éric Zemmour (Reconquête). The latter is a personality as publicized as it is divisive, but how did he react to an audience of schoolchildren? In an interview for TV Mag, the two women behind this show gave their secrets.

At first, Caroline Delage says: “[Eric Zemmour] stayed in his talk but the kids found him sweeter than what they saw on tv.” To this are added the observations of Mélissa Theuriau: “But with equally harsh ideas, he didn’t try to water it down. We were also curious to see how he was going to assume his ideas. His lack of empathy for children in general gripped them.“Sitting astride a chair, like Emmanuel Macron in 2017, does not seem to be enough to create a bond.

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