Boxing | Zewski against Ocampo Manriquez: let’s fight!

Enough talk, it’s time to take action! Both Mikaël Zewski and his opponent Carlos Ocampo Manriquez respected the weight limit, at the official weigh-in preceding the first boxing gala in the history of the Colisée Vidéotron in Trois-Rivières, which will kick off on Friday at 7 p.m. .

Posted at 7:37 p.m.

Le Nouvelliste

Local favorite Zewski (35-2, 23 KOs) posted a weight of 153.8 pounds, while his Mexican rival (30-1, 20 KOs) stepped on the scale at 153.6 pounds. This fight, with the WBC Americas continental title at stake in super-welterweight (154 pounds), will rally between 3,000 and 4,000 people, in addition to viewers who will follow the evening on the airwaves of RDS2.

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