Budget of Eric Girard | Seniors want home care and direct help

(Montreal) The Girard budget must emphasize home care and services for seniors, starting this year.

Posted at 1:50 p.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The FADOQ network, formerly Fédération de l’âge d’or, believes that we can no longer wait years before making this shift towards home support.

And that’s what the majority of seniors want: to stay in their community, said Gisèle Tassé-Goodman, president of the network of 550,000 members, in an interview on Friday.

The FADOQ network also wants the Girard budget to allocate direct assistance to seniors, who are hit hard by the increase in the grocery basket, rents, electricity, when they are already among the taxpayers the less fortunate.

Many depend on fixed retirement income or the Guaranteed Income Supplement and have a very low income. Inflation hurts them even more, recalls Mme Tasse-Goodman.

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