Large families: After her breakup, Cindy Reymond serene and peaceful… She explains herself!

The announcement had the effect of a bomb with viewers of Large families, life in XXL. Last February, on her Instagram account, Cindy and Fernand, parents of the Reymond tribe, announced their breakup. The couple, seen in the first season as well as in a large part of the second, therefore separated. A month later, Wednesday March 16, 2022, still on the social network for sharing images, the young mother of nine gives her news. And the least we can say is that she seems to experience this breakup as a real relief…

In story on her Instagram account, Cindy Reymond engages in a question and answer session with her many loyal subscribers. This is how a user asks her how she manages this “new start“. The pretty brunette, accused of violence by her eldest daughter Ashley with whom she is cold, responds bluntly. “I will say as before since nothing changes for the children and me, we are still in my house. The only thing that changes is the weekends they’ll be with their dad“, she says. And to specify her personal feelings: “About me, this feeling of well-being, serenity, appeasement…“Without saying more, Cindy Reymond suggests that this separation with Fernand brings her happiness.

Also, to the question of whether she had any advice to give vis-à-vis the place of children in these conditions, she then gives herself up. “I don’t know if I can be of good advice but the only thing that matters is to preserve the children. Don’t talk in front of them. Their ears are everywhere and their mouths repeat. Don’t Make Them Think That… Accept Failure and Move On“, she says. Recommendations certainly applied to her own household.

If Cindy Reymond shines, it’s because she seems more fulfilled since the announcement of her breakup. On Instagram last month, she already indicated that she was at the origin of this heavy decision which weighed on her morale. “There are things you can’t go wrong and for several months, for several reasons, you realized right in my head that things were wrong, she had written. So I made the decision to separate with Fernand.“For his part, his companion had not spoken.

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