the reasons for the anger of young Corsican activists


Article written by

A.Richier, R.Chapelard, P.Feretti, France 3 Corsica Viastella – France 2

France Televisions

Young Corsican nationalists have been mobilized for two weeks on the island of beauty. The attack on Yvan Colonna in prison, a symbol of patriotism for young people, rekindled their anger against the French state. What do they blame him for?

For almost two weeks, students have been blocking access to the University of Corte (Haute-Corse). The trigger ? The aggression of Yvan Colonna in prison. They were still young when he was sentenced to life for the assassination of the prefect Érignac, but for them, the nationalist militant “has always been a symbol, (…) a Corsican patriot”. Behind their anger, claims. Rachel Reggetti Giudicelli, president of the Ghjuventù Indipendentista, militates for the autonomy of the island, even independence. “I don’t feel French, other Corsicans will feel French, but there is always a double identity, and now we have to recognize it”asks the student.

Gérald Darmanin in Corsica Wednesday March 16

The French government has opened the door to the return to Corsica of two prisoners, members of the Érignac commando. Proof, for Pierre-Marie Bourdin Muracciole, a law student, that violence has allowed “advances”and even “more in seven days (…) than in seven years of exercise of power by nationalists”. Older nationalist activists are trying to channel the situation. Other inhabitants of the island, less convinced, fear a tragedy. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, will meet several students and high school students on Wednesday March 16 in Ajaccio (Corse-du-Sud).

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